© [=] Alliance 22 | 2012 — 2021
© C.Roudeshko | 2012 — 2021

Built with Indexhibit

Constantin Roudeshko
The artist is an alchemist of the XXI century

We have feelings that apart from a ‘physical world’, there are ‘non-physical worlds’. We can’t express how we feel because our usual words or visual images serve to describe just the physical world. Our five organs of perception are capable of only receiving information from the physical world.

That raises the question: How should we describe something we have never seen? Something we have never come in contact with? How should we look beyond Parsa which hides the other – upper worlds from us? 

We think there are several methods to achieve these objectives:

1. Re-focus 'optics of our senses', let it go beyond ‘a decorative surface' into depth. To make it happen, it is necessary to learn how to deceive our sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. When the brain does not spot a familiar image and therefore strives to sort an unusual phenomenon out, it activates the sixth organ of perception — what we call intuition [it is what makes art so exciting].

2. Art should be an experiment at the intersections of perception through five organs — 'touch by eyes' and 'see by skin'.

3. Use no words, no figurative, no narrative. Activate a brand-new, or rather, a long-forgotten method of transmitting information — telepathy. Get information via the ‘heart’ and not via the ‘mind’.

The artist should not bother to embellish surfaces, but resolutely remove the ‘veil of Parsa‘ to highlight the depth of meanings, the essence of phenomena that take place in our physical world.

The artist should be an alchemist of the 21st century. They should not produce anything fictional or imagine things but instead be engaged in purely empirical experimentation. These efforts may be crowned — the artist can finally discover the ‘Philosopher's Stone’ as confirmation that parallel worlds do exist.

— Constantin Roudeshko
Kiev 15/01/15